What Are The Effects of Calcium On Health?

Saturday 7 December 2013

Calcium is an essential chemical element for our body. The chemical symbol for calcium is Ca and it is found in many food. Calcium involves in controlling muscle contraction including heartbeat. It also plays a role in production of hormones and enzymes.

Vitamin D can be a vital element in making sure the calcium can be absorbed in body efficiently. Until the age of 20-25 years, calcium helps in strengthening the bones and teeth. After that age, calcium helps in maintaining and slowing down the bone density loss due to aging process. It is important to get enough calcium early of the age to prevent osteoporosis later on in life. Other than that, weight-bearing physical activity including walking and running may reduce the calcium lose. Women tend to get osteoporosis more often compared to men. Thus, adequate calcium and vitamin D intakes with regular exercises can keep the bones healthy.

Calcium is thought to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. The intake of calcium supplement has no effect in reducing the risk, but it may increase the risk of heart attack, stroke or other cardiovascular diseases. However, calcium from natural sources can give more benefits. Eating fat-free and low-fat products may reduce the risk of hypertension. Individuals receiving more than 800 mg of calcium daily have a 23 percent decreased risk of high blood pressure versus those consuming less than 400 mg of calcium per day (Nelson, L., 2009).

The risk of colorectal cancer may increase if there is a long term deficiency in calcium and vitamin D. In addition, calcium may give benefits to cancer patients by reducing the risk of osteopenia. The National Cancer Institute does not recommend the intake of calcium supplement to get these benefits. It is better to get natural food sources with high calcium content. Furthermore, high intake of calcium from supplements are linked to high risk of kidney stones. This can be due to the formation of calcium oxalate in kidney. There is a study shows that women who consumed diets poor in calcium had more body fat, bigger waistlines, and higher bad cholesterol levels than those who consumed moderate or large amounts of calcium. The other study stated that people who reduced their consumption of dairy products over the six years period examined tend to gain more weight, body fat and higher waistline grew. 

There are many benefits of taking calcium in terms of health. It is recommended to obtain calcium from a variety of sources. Other than milk and dairy products, broccoli, spinach and tofu are the examples of high calcium food. Or else, find the food or drinks with calcium fortified. Just grab them and get the health benefits.


  1. American Cancer Society
  2. Calcium Supplement and Heart Disease, Harvard Health Publications, Harvard Medical School
  3. Heart Attack, MayoClinic
  4. MedicalNewsToday
  5. National Cancer Institute
  6. Nelson, L. (2009). Lower High Blood Pressure with Calcium. HealthCentral Website
  7. Office of Dietary Supplement, National Institutes of Health


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